14th of May 2023
JarðarGreining received the 3rd price in the Start-up incubator of the University of Iceland which is an incubator for women under the label AWE or Academy for Woman Entrepreneurs in collaboration with the American Embassy in Iceland. The program started in end of February and seminars and training took place over a roughly three month period.
1st of February 2024
JarðarGreining has been selected in the top 10 for Gulleggið 2024, a competition for start-ups in Iceland, and will participate in the final round that will take place on the 9th of February in Gróska when we will present our project in front of the judges: "The JarðarGreining project aims to develop a high-tech method that uses ground-penetrating radar and drone technology to study and evaluate the physical and structural properties of a study area while leaving it intact. A wide range of services will be offered: from roof to pipe and cable assessment, from topographical and bathymetrical surveying to preliminary surveys for archaeological excavations and natural hazard monitoring and assessments."